Friday, July 12, 2013

Tiden går fort

Känns som igår man satt på Röda Lyktan och pimpade kaffe, eller jobbade Kundservice på Coop. Nu sitter man rödögd av för lite sömn och hinkar i sig kaffe vid frukostbordet istället. De där "glamorösa" dagarna är förbi och utbytt av "Nej du får inte köra bilar på den nya tapeten!" och liknande fraser. Men det har sin charm allt det här, det är en del av ens liv som går så fort förbi. Snart har man lärt dem allt, sina djupa kunskaper om världens mysterier.

När tiden går så här fort för mig, går den då lika fort för andra? Ibland undrar jag vad de man jobbat med och gått skola med, som flyttade från orten, gör nu för tiden. Hur många har skaffat familj och barn? Vilka har köpt hus och kanske sålt dem redan, flyttat isär, vem satsade på sin karriär, vem är kvar i Sverige? Vilka har lämnat oss för evigt, för det förekommer ju också.

Många som flyttade svaldes upp av Stockholm verkar det som och även om många återvänder när det är dags för att starta sin familj så verkar många välja att bryta upp med det gamla. Sen kan det ju vara förståeligt, har man väl tagit sig iväg är det nog svårt att motivera en flytt tillbaka.

Kanske är dessa funderingar ett tecken på mognad eller att man börjar bli gammal.  Hur som helst så ska jag fortsätta hinka i mig kaffe nu, för det behövs!


Monday, January 28, 2013

AR Defender

Found this "old" //new for me// game some time ago, but havent remembered to post anything about it. Its called AR Defender and its an augmented reality game.

In this game you "control" a tower from different types of enemies. Gradually the difficulty gets tougher but then you also get some better weapons as the game goes on. But to the cool thing about the game, put simply its a game in real life. You use the phones camera to project the tower onto a piece of paper on your desktop or other surface!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Metal Hurlant Chronicles

I found this weird Tv show the other night called Metal Hurlant Chronicles. Apparently its based on an old Comic Book. "Métal Hurlant (literal translation: "Screaming Metal") is a French comics anthology of science fiction and horror comics stories, created in December 1974" - Wikipedia 

The show has some big names to it. Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner, Sin City, Batman Begins), Joe Flanigan (Stargate Atlantis, Fringe, Warehouse 13, CSI: Miami), Scott Adkins (The Expendables 2, The Bourne Supremacy, X-Men: Origins), David Belle (Prince of Persia, Babylon A.D.) and Kelly Brook (Piranha 3D, The Italian Job, Smallville).

Its different, but not bad. You be the judge!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Zero Hour

Being a fan of sci-fi shows isn't always such a good thing since most of them get cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons. Take for example Flashforward, The 4400, The Event etc etc. Regardless if this one is going to get cancelled it could be worth a first look.

This show stars Anthony Edwards from the ER in his search for his abducted wife who has been taken due to a nazi clock she has found. Conspiracies around every turn and not telling the audience anything at all is what I think will happen. And then cancelled due to lack of viewers. Want to make a bet?


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


History channel is working on a TV-serie named Vikings which is to start Mars 3, 2013.

"Vikings follows the adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods, legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors." - History Channel

This is going to be a lot of fun to watch, especially since there are too few dramas that take place in ancient time. Sure there are plenty about Rome, Italy, England etc. But how about a series that actually should be based out of Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland).


In 88 days Syfys next big project launches.

 "The series is set in the near future, where aliens known collectively as Votans have come to Earth seeking a new home after their solar system was destroyed. However, when they reached Earth, they discovered despite a prolonged negotiation with the government on Earth, they were not welcome. Rather than turn away, they began a war with the humans as they are determined to make Earth their new home."- IMDB

A scifi twist on the whole immigrant theme and sure we've seen those before, but when you combine elements from the creators of Battlestar Galactica and Farscape you've got my attention!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Something new

So I took a quick look at my blogg and realised that it hasn't changed at all in a really long time. So with some "spare-time" which is basicly non existing I did some easy artwork on it.

I might be starting blogging on a more frequent basis, maybe! However if you really want to follow me and you know who I am then add me on facebook.