Thursday, December 20, 2007


I was browsing the web last night and stumbled across Alien Vs Predator 2, Requiem, if you like it better. Anyways, on the site I found "Create your own Predalien", seemed fun enough so I went inside. And what did I see, well it wasnt up and running "yet" doh... but instead I focuesed on the part witch said: "Play your character in the AVP-R game". Is it true, have they finaly got their sense back and are preparing to launch a new AVP game? Probably not, but It might be fun for a minute or two just to create an predalien.

If you to want an AVP 3 (game) to be released, support the cause by clicking here


Och detta år får jag spendera julen tillsammans med dig på så många fler sätt! Du är verkligen underbar Linda och jag skulle inte byta detta mot något i hela världen, tack för att du är min söt ^^

Älskar dig Linda / Din Tommy

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wish I could do those things

Wouldnt walk out into the garden with these things waiting outside, who knows what would lurk in the shadows!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Nintendo Wii & Iphone

Last week I had the opportunity to try out two of the things that I want to buy someday. There has always been something about Nintendo, since my childhood days when I and my friends played track and field till our fingers where sore to the present day when I dust it of to play some good old Zelda.

Anyways, as I tried to say earlier, I had the chance to try the Nintendo Wii last week, but I have to say that it takes some getting used to. The feeling of having to move the controller in order to play golf doesn’t come easy to me, since I’ve worked so hard to not move the controller in games. I remember when I used to move the controller up, in order to jump etc. Well I better get used to it again if Ill ever going to be a good golfer!

The second thing that’s more interesting for the readers in Sweden, who are into gadgets etc. Is that I had the opportunity to try the new Iphone on the Swedish market, with Telia instead of AT & T. And OMG, It looks so good; the feeling of the touch display is out of this world right now. Let’s just hope that the trend continues, and then we will have lots of fun when the other companies try to compete!

Try to dont mind the colours of the Iphone pic, since I took a quick snap with my old phone..

Nytt från Populärmusik

Det här tycker jag är roligt, när det går bra att göra musik och lansera den från mindre orter som vi faktiskt är i (Piteå). Lycka till grabbar!

Delmoment 1 - Sambo ^^

Så var första delen i en tvåstegsflytt avklarad, återfinns numera på Hamngatan med Linda fram tills i Februari då vi drar iväg till Nygatan och en väntande pool.

Ska försöka ta tag i uppdateringar framöver, men har haft lite ont om tid på grund av D-uppsatsen som ska påbörjas framöver. Vem trodde någonsin att jag, skulle skriva en uppsatts som tar 800 timmar i anspråk. En lärare nämnde att det är ungefär 10 timmars arbete bakom en A4 sida, det är inte uppmuntrande ord till en student! Känns som att det kommer bli en tegelsten som ingen kommer läsa =P

Monday, November 26, 2007


Det var en gång en snöig gata, täckt av nyfallen snö etc etc.

Helt ärligt, vem får för sig att kasta ägg på folk som är förbipasserande? Jag nämner inga namn, men yours truly passerade Karls Källa och följande inträffar.

Promenerar sakta förbi Åhlens, gatlysena skiner glatt och snön faller lätt. Det är onsdag kväll och folk är inne på vår fd Karls Källa för att förfriska sig. Så glider den upp, bilen. Hör hur något svichar till bredvid mig, sen hur den andra svoochen träffar mig. Ett ägg.

Går förbryllat, lite argt till tio till tolv för att ta reda på vissa telefon nr. Vill inte verka som en sådan som tjallar i onödan eller gör det som bara griniga gubbar gör, kanske är jag påväg att bli en, men jag ville ha hämnd.

Utanför så inser jag att de är dumma nog att försöka köra ett varv till, jag kliver fram till gatan, ser hur tre smågrabbar med huvor för ansiktena smyger förbi i en volvo.

Vet de inte om att bilar har registreringsskyltar?

Ett snabbt samtal till Farbror P och de har alla uppgifter, ett sms till vägverket och jag har hemadress. Ett sista samtal och fadern i huset får reda på allt.

Resten är historia, hämnden är såå ljuv!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Konspirations teori 1

Piteå stad har sedan längesedan haft en man av kaliber som saknar motstycke enligt många. Han har en tendens att tjäna pengar på sina ord och numera även via fastigheter. Inköpet av prostgården i Öjebyn kanske var första steget med Bryggargatan att skapa det imperium som han anser sig värdig.

Konspirationsteorin börjar en snöig kväll när jag på väg mot Tio till tolv för min dos av chips och läsk. Väl på väg tillbaka inser jag till min stora förtjusning att det har ramlat ner delar av de skynken som döljer insidan av Karls Källa. (Läs tidigare blogg)

Under ytan kanske Karls Källa är en maskerad tilltänkt nattklubb under drift av OMY AB samt Bryggargatan. Företag som med sin gemensamma kunskap är fullt möjliga att få tillstånda att servera alkohol samt god mat. Båda två kriterier som Karls Källa har misslyckats med under senare tid.

Inte nog med detta att fönstrena inte var helt förtäckta så fanns det även spår av renovering invändigt. Golven var plastade och färgburkar fanns på plats.

Vidare har jag så vitt jag vet inte sett ett enda inlägg på där jag i andra fall borde sett spår av denna händelse som drabbat staden. Då faktiskt många av dess medlemmar är kroniska besökare av Piteås nattklubbsliv.

Bevis saknas, men under mina tidigare år vid Upplevelseproduktions utbildningen har jag genomfört både seminarier och intervjuer med Jon Oskar Arnason som driver Bryggargatan. Han har vid något av dessa tillfällen yttrat sitt missnöje angående utelivet i Piteå och poängterat en vilja att starta i egen regi om inget nytt skedde.

Är detta steget som jag länge förutsett?

OMY AB + Bryggargatan = Ny öppnande av fd. Karls Källa?

Konspirera gärna med mig då det bidrar till ökat nöje!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Karls Källa

Det är inte bättre än att Karls Källa äntligen stänger igen sina portar. På grund av dålig ledning har så en av Piteås, enligt mig skabbigaste pubar gått i graven. Ni får anse exakt vad ni själva vill om gemytlighet och att enda stället man kunde ta en öl på försvinner.

Jag påstår att nu ges chansen att starta på ny kula och jag tror Piteå kommer i slutändan gynnas av detta.

Förhoppningsvis kan man själv så småningom delta i denna upplevelsebaserade verksamhet på något sätt, huruvida detta blir aktuellt är att se i framtiden.

Om någon av läsarna har gått om pengar och vill ta över, kontakta mig så är jag med på ett hörn!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I need coffee

It’s Wednesday morning and im not suppose to be in class until after lunch. But did I sleep in, no no. So right now I need coffee, sweet, black, strong coffee.

Besides that I’m getting a new apartment in February with Linda, its going to be "legendary" (watched the latest ep of How I met your mother recently). Cudos Barney!

Back to all this with the apartment, its really going to be sweet, newly build with a pool, sauna and exercise hall. How jealous are you right now?

Buildsite streaming online

Illustration of pool area

Monday, November 19, 2007

Updated layout

Still under construction, but plz leave comments if you have any suggestions.

/Mr Barracuda!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Arkiv X återuppstår

Tydligen ska vi återigen få se Arkiv X gänget på vita duken! Inte för att jag såg den förra filmen på bio eller så, utan snarare hyrde den på VHS medans det fortfarande var vad som gällde för mig. Men oavsett så är det ju otroligt roligt att se att man inte har gett upp hoppet på att hitta liv i rymden.

Om det sedan kommer att bli en flopp eller succe är svårt att säga då det är hård konkurrens på biograferna i världen numera..Dock läste jag att den förra filmen faktiskt spelade in 200 miljoner dollar, så antar det finns några sci fi fantaster där ute!

The truth is out there.

Sorry but I didnt have the energy to write in english for the readers not from Swe, however in short. The X-Files is back on the big screen this summer, so for all you Sci-Fi fans watch the skies!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Scary monsters

Scary movie monsters has existed since the birth of the tv and the silver screen. But what is the most terrifying of them all?

Since I was little ive allways thought of the movie IT to be scary and well shure it probably is when your eight years old. But since then I´ve been introduced to more and more (in their own ways) scary creatures.

For me I still love the aliens from the Alien quadrology, they seem to have it all. Speed, strenght, endurance and brutality.

What´s yours?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pushing Daisies

This fall Bryan Fuller, who brought us Dead Like Me once again brings death to tv. However this time the story is about the man Ned who since he was little has been able to bring things back from the dead. All of this naturally comes with a twist when his childhood sweetheart ends up dead..

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Grind your own coffee

I just had an epiphany my friends. I have realized what god intended for mankind on this planet, to grind your own coffee at home.

Why have I never understood this mystery before I ask myself, who knows really, perhaps its just because I haven't been tuned into the cosmos properly.

It all started two days ago with a visit to the local supermarket. Walking by the coffee section I saw all these coffee beans kinda starring at me, saying my name. Suddenly It hit me: "Tommy - you have to grind your own coffee!"

I'm currently starting out in a small manner, trying out the different sorts of beans and from there who knows where it´ll take me!

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"Given enough coffee - I could rule the world"

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Most pleasant surprise this week - Portal

Spoiler warning!

If I can get annoyed I guess I can be pleased to! And I am really pleased with the game Portal that's been released by Valve. This ingenuous game combines fun with puzzles and that is for me something to admire. Although the game time is somewhat short you wont be dissatisfied in the end =)

Game points: 8/10
Its entertaining and sometimes hard to solve the tasks, on the downside however is the short game time.

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Most annoying this week - Domplayer

Malware and spyware is everywhere thees days, and I hate them more than anything when they mess up my week. Well its not that horrible, but still almost as bad as it sounds.

I was going to watch an episode of Prison Break, when all the sudden my media player announced that "This video can only be played in DomPlayer, Visit Download.Domplayer.Com" in order to watch this .avi file. Well I did some research and soon discovered that its hoax. They want you to buy the media player and well lets just say that it comes with some not so pleasant surprises.

So stay away from all that shit!

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Plain White T´s

Like this song alott!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Adventures in the dark

This past week myself and some of the others students attending a class in Professional Experiences Production, went on a midnight tour with kayaks to witness the northern lights and the starlit sky.

This night it was 6 degrees Celsius in the water and -1 degrees in the air, so you wouldn't want to fall in that's for sure..

Anyways, we went out into the archipelago and paddled onwards, unfortunately we didn't witness any northern lights, but it was still a beautiful evening.

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BTW, I'm the fellow standing in the front left corner)

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Back to the future marathon

Ive been feeling a bit nostalgic these past few days, sitting at home watching some oldies. My friend mentioned he had watched them some weeks ago and well said and done I couldn't resist it myself.

If there is anyone who hasn't seen them, you have missed out on three of the 80s best films! Michael J. Fox in his youth is superb as the slacker kid who saves the day!

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30 Days of Night

I am so looking forward to watch this movie, seems to be a great movie for us "vampire/scifi/horror" fans!

U Better check it out!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lost Planet

I know its been out for a while now but I just have to say that if you dont own an Xbox 360, you should really try if on PC. Lovin it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


All new for this fall is the Cavemen series starring a group of Cro-Magnons as they try to integrate into modern society.

Its kinda fun, but it still has lot to prove. check it out anyways!

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Mushrooms, reindeer's and ww2 bunkers

Short about the this trip. Its my mums 50Th birthday and where all gathering in my grandfathers cottage way up in the forests of northern Sweden. Its about 2 hours drive from where I live and its absolutely beautiful there. During the days I took these pictures of the nature and cottages.
We also visited an old bunker from the WW2, a Swedish outpost to survey the German forces as they passed the borders into Finland and Norway.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007


One of Piteås largest and probably oldest trees is preparing for the forthcoming winter.

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(I know the pic is a little bit blurry, but still..)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Feeding Frenzy 2

OK, this is really fun.

Starring yourself as a hungry fish, gobbling away at all the smaller fishes around you whilst you try to avoid the larger ones!

Guaranteed fun!

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Download demo here

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A brand new me

Its been done, its gone, its shorter than ever. Yes indeed, the hair has been cut to a lenght that I haven't had for the nearest, well probably 10 months. I'm not shure if even I recognize myself in the mirror anymore, so well if no one else those either its no big surprise.

So its been a hectic day, not only did I cut the hair but our small town just grew exponentially, we got a new shopping Mall.

Lets be honest, even though I'm pleased with a new mall to visit during the boring days when I have nothing to do, but Ive been damaged in a way on my last vacation. I'm talking about London, yes I am.. Wattfords mall, whats it called, The Harlequin I think, well lest just say that it is hm.. about three to four times its size.. Non the less, its great having a few more stores to visit !

BTW check out this jingle for the mall! (I guess its for those who read this blog who's Swedish)

Any coments?? Lest just say omg, thatll be enough...

Ill put up some pics later when I have some descent pics to show the world.

(Here they come..)

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Friday, September 14, 2007

New hairstyle?

Well I guess its about time to do some changes to my appearance, lets just say its been a while... Anyways Ive been looking around, browsing the web for a new hairstyle, I say it ain't easy trying to find something that just might fit me, and might not.. U see my dilemma?

Anyways enough of that nonsense, haven't had my hair done so why worry?

Perhaps it´ll be one of those haircuts?

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Thursday, September 13, 2007


You all remember such films as Lord of the rings and so fort, well the fact is that he who starred as Eomer in LOTR is back with a similar movie.

I have to say that I like this actor, he has lets just call it the eyes of a hero. Prior to this movie I last saw him in Pitch Black starring against Vin Diesel for the throne of Necromentia (or whats its name?) and he still has the same charisma.

Pathfinder is about a Viking boy who is left behind after his clan battles a Native American tribe. Raised within the tribe, he ultimately becomes their savior in a fight against the Norsemen.

Despite some obvious blunders that Karl Urban somehow learns how to fight with a sword with no one to teach him, I enjoyed this "unrated" movie (lots of violence) and if your not to squeamish you will to!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spotted dick?

Omg, can they plz have a funnier name on their pudding?!

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How to survive autumn and winter

Ok, here`s the deal, listning?

- Summer is over I know... yet you dont have fo feel down just because of the change of seasons. Really I promise!

These are a few reasons in how to survive autumn and winter.

* Take time to be with ur loved ones.
* Tv series thats been on hold over the summer is starting!
* If you have a snowmobile - use it!
* Schools back (for those who study) - occupy urself with that!
* Read that book u never got time to during summer vacation.
* Drink lots and lots of coffey in a café!

And last but not the least

* Find some new accessories for the cold season!

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(fyi - its not a scarf, its actually a blanket)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Alien Vs Predator - Requiem

Once again its time for our favorite monsters to fight an all out war between themselfs with mankind in the middle with no hope for survival!


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sweden - Denmark 0-0

Ok, so its a tie, but still were through to the next round!
Fight on boys!

(fyi im a little bit drunk - ill probably edit this shit later)

A tribute to the Barracuda song by Heart

You just have to love their outfits!

Football night!

Ok so Im not the biggest football fan there is, but Ive had my share of running and chasing a ball in my days =P However; tonight me and my friends are getting together to enjoy, what is to be a rematch between the Swedish and Danish teams. Last time they met, well if you didnt read the news about it, lets just say that there is a Danish supporter that ruined not only the game, but probably his life to!

So im getting p
epped up and giving myself a little present (read beer) and well lets just say that I have high hopes for tonights game!

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Friday, September 7, 2007

London calling to the faraway towns

Omg, probably the best place to spend a vacation in the whole wide world, London is amazing!

First time visit with a wedding to attend to, lots and lots of potential shopping and amazing sites to visit with my girl. Well just the thought of going to London has been in my mind for ages, and finaly after all this time its acctually happening.

This is fun, its pure joy to roame the streets of London, taking a pint in one of the local pubs, trying to understand what some of the locals are saying and having a meal in some overcharging café near Piccadilly. Well shure, the last remark wasnt to much fun, but hey shit happens.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007


Ok, so there are different kinds of them all over the world. There are probably more of them in a larger town than there are phoneboots in Piteå.

But non the less, there is a match coming up. Its not soccer, but its still a fight againts two nations.

Todays test is to determine if the upcoming Swedish Subway Restaurant will stand a chance against its rival the veteran in London.

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My girlfriend enjoys a meal near London Tower

The Conclusion

To be somewhat honest about my results I have to say that the sandwiches are the same wherever I have them I guess. Its all about how hungry you are and what your in the mood for. So I reccon its a tie between the two nations, although the scenery outside is somewhat different between them...You be the judge!

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