Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog from your iPhone

I have been searching for a way to post to my blog in an effective and easy way from my iPhone. It took me a while to find an application that I liked. So now that I've tried it out I'm going to share my findings. I feel like an archaeologist who's sharing his latest research on a long dead dinosaur species.

Enough said iPhone colleges. The answer to your blog desire is called Cell Spin, and is downloadable at the App Store for free. There is some configuring to do before you can post to your blog, however it is worth it!

So go and check it out!

PS. Blogger is not the only site compatible with Cell Spin. So check the homepage for more info!

Click here to go to Cell Spin Homepage

Walking through the city

Taking a walk with my son, on our way home the leafs start to fall as autumn is coming closer. Love the colours during the fall, but the oncoming winter is a sad story!

Uploaded by

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Autumn in the city

And once again the autumn is back in Piteå, last year I remember i posted an image of one of Piteås oldest trees located in the centre of the town.

This time Im taking you for a stroll in the outskirts of town, still central tough, but not "shopping street" central if you catch my drift!

Oh, just remembered. This first image is actually smack down in the central parts of Piteå. (fun facts for you readers from Piteå - its taken across the street of the old Bodens Bokhandel)

Friday, September 26, 2008


I've been hearing allot about Spore recently so I thought I would take a closer look at it, see what the buzz is all about. Well starting out as a little creature, eating my way up in the food chain was interesting enough. I was hooked, survival of the fittest they say, I totally agree!

Changing my appearance as I evolve, getting smaller head, larger mouth and whiskers of all sorts growing everywhere on "my" body.

God complex you ask?
- Hell yeah!

Taking this little creature from the "Primordial Ooze" and up upon land and towards who knows what, is extremely addictive, and I could barley stop playing tonight.

This first race of creatures is made by me and is called "DeeLightisar" and lives on the planet Dee-Light-Full. For those of you who enjoys "How I met Your Mother" and especially Barney Stinsons character you'll know what I'm talking about.

This other one just looked damn good so it qualified just because of that.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Star Wars goes iPhone

Downloaded Star Wars the Force Unleashed to my iPhone yesterday and oh boy am I satisfied! Like so many others around the globe I´v been a fan of the movies since I was a little boy. I have seen the movies over and over again, played the games on my PC and finally I got hold of one for my iPhone!

Haven´t had the time (yet) to finish it, but I'm well on my way!

What´s innovating with this type of game is the motion sensors on the touch display, where you use the touch of your fingers to control the different powers.

OK, sure it isn't the graphics of the forthcoming PS3 version, but its great fun in the palm of your hand!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mr B goes Vintage

Just thought I would show some old advertisements that I found when browsing the internet. Everything was so "fresh" back in the sixties, almost wish one could have been there. But then I remember all the benefits of being in the twenty-first century.

Pro Vintage

1. All is fresh
2. All is new
3. Repeat all above

Pro 21th Century

1. Coffey machines
2. Frozen food
3. Repeat all above

No I'm just having a laugh, but seriously all eras had their charm, but I still think I'm better suited for the 21th century. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to blog, watch colour TV and have myself a 7 Up.

No that's wrong, actually I would have been able to have a 7 Up. However the adds for the drink itself has changed somewhat.

But what does actually - "The Uncola" really mean?!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blast From The Past!

You thought it was all over. An era long lost in the constantly changing media ether. You where sadly mistaken, they´re back!

90210 - Beverly Hills. The only US postal code I know by heart. And I am probably not the only one who still remember Dylan, Kelly, Brandon, Steve, David, Brenda, Andrea and Donna.

So they are back, with a blast.

New characters mixed in with the old ones, sisters, friends and foes. A chance for the old viewers to get to know what happened after the never ending High School years. And for the younger generations a chance to get to know Beverly Hills as we used to know it!


Thought I would start out with saying thank you L for making my blog to what it is today.
I am forever in your debt!

With that covered I would like to say to you readers, that if you like or dislike the blog, there is a "comment" field for all posts...and a shout box to the right. So common, let it out!

With all that covered I would just like to post some images of different types of objects or animals with a common link.

If you know what the link is then write a comment containing the name of all objects/animals. First to get all the answers right gets the price!

Good Luck !

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The 80´s Me

Tänkte att jag ska skriva lite om en annan blogg än min egen en sekund, nämligen min flickväns. Hon skriver en blogg på engelska där hon bloggar om Scrapbooking, mode och allt annat som rör hennes vardag.

Så gör nu som mig och ta en titt på hennes blogg så kanske ni blir lite inspirerade under helgen!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ett tips till er Iphone ägare

Grattis. Förutom att du är en lycklig ägare till IPhone 3g så lyckades du även hitta min blogg. Vilket är kul, i varje fall för mig!

Har inte haft telefonen så många dagar, men har ju givetvis börjat mixtra på med ringsignaler. Då IPhone däremot inte, till motsatts mot många andra telefoner, använder sig av mp3 filer direkt för sina ringsignaler så blir det genast lite besvärligare för oss.

Stötte däremot på sidan som genast gör allt så himla enkelt.

Sök på det du vill ha och spara till datorn, klart.
Allt finns.

I det närmsta i varje fall, det som inte finns får du ladda upp själv från din dator och klippa ner till lagom storlek.

Allt finns på sidan så ta en titt!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Iphone 3G 16 Gigabyte vit

Den är fan mera än vad jag trodde att den skulle vara, jösses vilken telefon det här är. Eller är det så att man inte längre äger en telefon, för det verkar då inte finnas några egentliga gränser än så länge på vad den här kan göra. Den slukar däremot tid i sinne, tur att man inte jobbar i helgen!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

Photoshop, världens kanske bästa bild redigeringsprogram. Men inte helt jätte enkelt att lära sig, tur man har en sambo som älskar att sitta och göra digital scrapbooking med det. Vilket givetvis i sin tur har smittat även mig, fast i en mindre dos.

Tänkte visa en bild från min barndom, där jag sitter och "pratar" med vår fågel som för stunden bodde på diskbänken. Så vitt jag minns så hette hon Bibban, men vilken typ av fågel det vet jag ej. Men om du vet, så säg gärna till!

Vidare följt av en blandning av monster och Bodsjön, samt ett glatt sommar kollage.

Onsdag kväll - Lite lyx i vardagen

Så var det dags för en liten uppdatering av händelserna kring vårt liv. Polen står färdig och vi invigde den ikväll. Förutom bad har det även blivit lite badminton i vår sporthall som ligger i källaren. Känns lite sådär som att man bor i ett hus från Hollywood cribs, direkt hämtat från MTV. Typ Snoop Dogs hus, fast med lite mindre bling.