Yay! Mini vacation, free at last! Its my second day of from work and I'm woken by a small but distinct sound from the crib. He isn't angry or so, just hungry. My son that is.
Having taken care of that problem, well I couldn't do much at that point, just lift him to his mum, I did my fatherly duty and entertained my little boy till he fell asleep again. Spending an hour or so watching him sleep and having a cup of coffee the day starts at last.
These are random images taken during the day, doing laundry, going to the supermarket etc.
Just outside the window from the laundry room a worker is filling the parking lot to see if the ceiling is keeping the water out from the basement.

Passing by the antiquity store we saw this odd product. Apparently a massage device of some sort. I would be scared if someone tried to touch me with that one!

When the decorative pumpkins reaches the supermarket you know that fall is here. If you would have missed all the falling leaves I mean.

And of course a walk with the little toddler in the beautiful fall weather!
Denna pool ;)
Hur är status med den nu? :)
Haha, efter visst regnfall under söndag kväll, så visar det sig att de fördämningar som byggs upp har hållit. Vilket är tack och lov för alla tusentals insekter som lever i närheten, hade dammen brustit hade hela deras ekosystem blivit rubbat med katastrofala konsekvenser till följd!
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