Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mr B goes Vintage

Just thought I would show some old advertisements that I found when browsing the internet. Everything was so "fresh" back in the sixties, almost wish one could have been there. But then I remember all the benefits of being in the twenty-first century.

Pro Vintage

1. All is fresh
2. All is new
3. Repeat all above

Pro 21th Century

1. Coffey machines
2. Frozen food
3. Repeat all above

No I'm just having a laugh, but seriously all eras had their charm, but I still think I'm better suited for the 21th century. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to blog, watch colour TV and have myself a 7 Up.

No that's wrong, actually I would have been able to have a 7 Up. However the adds for the drink itself has changed somewhat.

But what does actually - "The Uncola" really mean?!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Håller min nog till en Un-7-up istället.. Men kul med vintage reklam däremot!