I was browsing the web last night and stumbled across Alien Vs Predator 2, Requiem, if you like it better. Anyways, on the site I found "Create your own Predalien", seemed fun enough so I went inside. And what did I see, well it wasnt up and running "yet" doh... but instead I focuesed on the part witch said: "Play your character in the AVP-R game". Is it true, have they finaly got their sense back and are preparing to launch a new AVP game? Probably not, but It might be fun for a minute or two just to create an predalien.
If you to want an AVP 3 (game) to be released,
support the cause by clicking here
1 comment:
buhu jag som så gärna ville spela och så funkar inte länken. Nåja men avp spel i all ära, web-baserade eller ej, nu är det pasé, cod4 till folket! :)
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