Last week I had the opportunity to try out two of the things that I want to buy someday. There has always been something about Nintendo, since my childhood days when I and my friends played track and field till our fingers where sore to the present day when I dust it of to play some good old Zelda.
Anyways, as I tried to say earlier, I had the chance to try the Nintendo Wii last week, but I have to say that it takes some getting used to. The feeling of having to move the controller in order to play golf doesn’t come easy to me, since I’ve worked so hard to not move the controller in games. I remember when I used to move the controller up, in order to jump etc. Well I better get used to it again if Ill ever going to be a good golfer!
The second thing that’s more interesting for the readers in Sweden, who are into gadgets etc. Is that I had the opportunity to try the new Iphone on the Swedish market, with Telia instead of AT & T. And OMG, It looks so good; the feeling of the touch display is out of this world right now. Let’s just hope that the trend continues, and then we will have lots of fun when the other companies try to compete!
Try to dont mind the colours of the Iphone pic, since I took a quick snap with my old phone..